Our team completed an initial evaluation of the Fagus materials

Dr Dawn Watling lead an independent evaluation of how useful teachers found the Fagus materials. Fagus is an educational resource that is a framework for emotional and social development. The evaluation involved interviewing teachers, independent from Beech Lodge School where the resource was developed, who were using Fagus in their schools. Interview questions were developed with Dr Alana James (previously at RHUL, now at University of Reading) and Alastair Lidster (Chartered Educational Psychologist). We trained undergraduate voluntary research assistants  to carry out the interviews (Alice Golding and Bryony Robinson) and to code the interviews (Sophie Bury and Natasha Phillips). A report was provided to the Fagus team, who have outlined some of the key findings on their website: https://www.fagus.org.uk/how-useful-is-fagus/.