

We are currently recruiting for the following projects. Please contact the lead researcher to register your interest.

  • Adolescents’ social media use and mental health (Gemma Rides).
  • University students’ perceptions of the use of emojis, memes and gifs in higher education (Dr Beatrice Hayes).
  • University students’ online self-disclosure behaviours on educational platforms  (Dr Beatrice Hayes).

If you are a parent and wish to register yourself and/or your child/children with the Developmental Studies Centre you can do so by completing our online registration form  here.


The Lab offers consultancy in educational research, and has specialism in intervention evaluation. We can also be commissioned to provide various training opportunities, for example for school INSET days or for Local Authorities. Training topics include promoting positive peer relationships in schools, developing peer support systems, supporting parents and teachers in their children’s online use and collaborative learning. If you would like training on a different topic related to the lab, please do get in contact.

Previous consultancy projects: